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Planning Board Minutes03/04/04

Minutes of the March 4, 2004 meeting

Members present:

Fred Anderson                   Bob Bethel                      Scott Burnside                  Spencer Garrett         Mike Oldershaw          Ed Rowehl

Members absent:

        Dan Valley                                              

Public attendees:

        Donald Knapton          Mike Beauchamp, Fire Chief
        Peter Mellen, Surveyor  Richard Edmunds, Deputy Fire Chief
                                        Patricia Lovering, Deputy Fire Chief

Chairman Rowehl opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. The first order of business was to review an application for a lot Merger for Ms. Verna Davy, which had been, tabled pending confirmation that Ms. Davy had the authority to represent Mr. Davy who was deceased. The secretary produced a “Certificate of Appointment” from the Hillsborough Probate Court, which stated that Ms. Davy had been appointed to administer the estate of the late Joseph M. Davy. Based on this documentation Mr. Oldershaw moved to accept the application of Joseph M. Davy File # 2004-03PB for a merger of property located at 106 & 162 Concord Street, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 1B Lots 2 & 3 located in the Highway Business District. The applicant proposes to merge the two lots into one parcel. Mr. Bethel seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Garret – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Anderson Aye.

There being no further discussion, Mr. Burnside moved to approve the application of Joseph M. Davy File # 2004-03PB for a merger of property located at 106 & 162 Concord Street, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 1B Lots 2 & 3 located in the Highway Business District. The applicant proposes to merge the two lots into one parcel. Mr. Garrett seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Garret – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Anderson Aye.

Mr. Mellen, representing Mr. Knapton, presented a conceptual layout for subdivision being considered by Mr. Knapton off of Pierce Lake Road. He proposes ten lots, four of which would be on the lake. The lots are configured in such a way that they would ask the State for subdivision approval. They propose a lot line adjustment on the west side of the development to accommodate the desires of Mr. Bryer who is an abutter. It will be necessary to apply to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for one of the lots, which does not meet the requirement of the Shoreland Protection Ordinance for frontage on the lake. Mr. Mellen did point out that there was a discrepancy in the shorefront requirements between the Shoreland Protection Article and the lot requirements for the Lakefront Residential District. He was advised that the Board planned to correct the discrepancy during the coming year. Mr. Burnside questioned the degree of the slope on the new road. Mr. Mellen stated that slopes were taken into consideration and that the final development would meet the town standards. Mr. Mellen pointed out that the access road would conform to Class V standards. There was some discussion regarding the requirements for a road to be accepted by the town. It was explained by Mr. Rowehl that the regulations required that a road be paved and certified to meet Class V specifications at the time it is offered to the town. Mr. Knapton indicated that he favors a private road because of the country ambience. He proposes that the maintenance of the road by the property owners would be written into the deeds.

Mr. Knapton indicated that he had already spoken to Chief Beauchamp regarding the creation of a fire pond in the development, as he was willing to create such a pond. Chief Beauchamp was asked if the Fire or Rescue Departments had encountered any problems accessing the homes on Mr. Knapton’s previous development which abuts the new development. Mr. Beauchamp indicated that they had had no troubles on the road.

Mr. Oldershaw complimented Mr. Knapton & Mr. Mellen on the improvements they had made in the layout of the subdivision since their initial presentation. Mr. Mellen and Mr. Knapton were advised that the proposed subdivision appeared to be feasible but would be dependent upon the actual application.

The next order of business was to review the Capital Improvement Plan for the Fire Department and Ambulance Service. Chief Beauchamp, Deputy Chief Edmunds and Deputy Chief Lovering were present to discuss the department’s requirements. Chief Beauchamp did advise the Board that an RSA existed which stated that if an adequate water supply did not exist on a site, it was mandated that a 30,000 gallon storage tank be installed at the expense of and maintained by the developer to be used for fire fighting. Such a tank should be capable of providing enough water to fight a fire on two houses. If the fire department were to use the water supply to fight any fire not part of the development they would be responsible to refill the tank. Mr. Burnside said that the town of New Boston had a number of such systems. The Secretary was instructed to research the RSA and advise the members on what effect this would have in granting subdivision approvals. Following a brief discussion as to the procedures to be followed as mandated by RSA 674:7 regarding the updating of the capital improvement plan on an annual basis; the members reviewed a number of requirements presented by the chiefs. Chief Beauchamp indicated that the Pumper/tanker scheduled for 2007 should be shifted to 2006. A request for $3,000.00 for maintenance for the two stations was requested for each year on a continuing basis. Chief Beauchamp pointed out that the $12,000.00 allocated for a furnace for station #1 was to replace one of the furnace systems. He felt that a better program would be to replace all three heating systems with a single system at the same time at a cost of $30,000.00. The members chose to leave the request to replace one heating system for $12,000.00 in 2006. A request was made for $100,000 for a tanker for station #2 in the year 2010. No request was made for funding in the year 2011.

The chiefs felt that the Ambulance/Rescue needed to replace the existing fiberglass rescue boat and requested $15,000.00 in 2005 to purchase such a boat and trailer system. Deputy Chief Lovering also requested $165,000.00 in 2007 to purchase a new ambulance. This was a decrease from an initial request of $200,000.00 Chief Beauchamp concluded his presentation with the suggestion that the departments should review the feasibility of regional cooperation for both the Fire Department and the Ambulance because the cost of independent departments for each town would become increasingly prohibitive.

Mr. Oldershaw suggested that the secretary send a note to Ms. Wardman to see if she was still interested in serving as an alternate to the Board. Mr. Anderson moved to accept the minutes of the February 19, 2004 meeting. Mr. Bethel seconded the motion, which was passed.

The secretary reviewed a draft of a permit to be issued by the town for excavation sites. Mr. Burnside felt that the permit should indicate the number for a State site specific permit if applicable, otherwise the suggested form was agreeable to the Board. The secretary then presented a draft of a letter which had been sent to all past and present owners and operators of excavation sites advising them that no sites are currently permitted and that all active sites need to obtain a permit by April 1, 2004 in order to have their Intent to Excavate forms approved by the selectmen. The revision of the existing regulation for excavation sites is underway by Mr. Garrett and the secretary, and a draft should be available by the next meeting. Mr. Burnside asked if it would be necessary for the town to issue permits for incidental excavations as required by the intent to excavate form. The secretary will look into this.

Correspondence was presented regarding the SWRPC Winter dinner, a copy of an article in the Limrik regarding ordinance changes on the ballot, a code violation notice for Mr. Brissette, and a notice for the Spring Planning conference on May 8, 2004.

The members then discussed the contradiction in the existing ordinance for cluster housing wherein Article VII does not permit it in the Rural District but Article XIV paragraph O does permit such housing in the District. The secretary was instructed to contact town counsel to see if the more restrictive of the ordinances (Article VII) could be enforceable. The consensus was that cluster housing should not be permitted in the Rural District. Some felt it should only be allowed on municipal water and sewer.

Members also felt that lot sizes should be increased in the Rural and Rural Conservation Districts. A five-acre lot was considered for the Rural District and perhaps seven acres for Rural Conservation. It was agreed that the secretary would research the entire ordinance for cluster housing and propose changes to reflect the wishes of the Board.

Mr. Oldershaw called to attention the fact that Mr. Grimes was renting U-Haul trailers and operating a consignment shop on the premises of Wayno’s Supermarket without the benefit of having appeared before the Board for a change of use. Mr. Anderson moved that the selectmen be asked to issue a cease and desist order pending the application for a change of use. The motion was seconded by Mr. Oldershaw and passed.

Mr. Anderson moved to cancel the April 15, 2004 meeting since there was a performance that night in Town Hall. Mr. Bethel seconded the motion, which passed.

Mr. Oldershaw suggested that the election for chairmen and vice chairman for the coming year be delayed until the first meeting in April. The members concurred.

Mr. Bethel moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion, which was passed. Mr. Rowehl adjourned the meeting at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Panning Board